Video, HD, 10:35 min, 2013
The film takes place in the realm of the mundane and the familiar. Death/Sleep which is not dramatic, but silent. A house, objects in a room, a dog – the cyclicality of day and night.
Morning, long shot on a living room, a woman is sleeping. The room is silent. The only sounds heard are the street sounds, entering indoors. Only after watching for a few moments we notice a slight movement – small, slow breathing moving the woman’s chest. Her breaths, the movements seen through the window, the dog’s frequent visits to the room, all happen in a natural rhythm which appears in contract to the rapid rhythm of light, pouring into the room. The change from day to night happens before our eyes, the rays of sun moving, changing color, uncover and cover. We start to realize we have been watching for longer than we had thought.
Click for Ouzi Zur's review in Ha'aretz 26.7.2013
Still, still from the video, 2013
Still, still from the video, 2013
Still, still from the video, 2013